Individual Therapy

For those who have personal challenges and want to work towards a state of well-being, emotional clarification, constructive patterns and healthy interpersonal relationships.

I offer therapy sessions that are adapted to your personal needs and consider your economical and geographical situation. A normal session is 50 minutes but for those who are willing to work more intensively, I offer and often suggest double sessions. I offer student discounts for those who study, or are currently unemployed, and Skype sessions for those who cannot travel to Copenhagen.

Couples Therapy

For those who experience conflict, hurt feelings, inappropriate behaviour towards their partner and lack of communication in their relationship.

In couple’s therapy, we can I work on how to focus on how to handle conflicts and I encourage couples to be honest about their feelings and unmet needs.

I suggest that we meet up for an initial session all together and then continue working individually for a couple of sessions and finally meet up again and evaluate the process.

Family Care

Family Therapy. Difficult family relations, can lead to distancing selves from each other while experiencing conflicting feelings, which are difficult to integrate harmoniously. We investigate difficult relations and give space to talk about unresolved issues that may never have been spoken of earlier, but may have been present for some time.

Caregiver Counselling. For those who have difficulties with their children, and find it hard to figure how to bridge these difficulties, we talk about your relationship to your children, their behaviour/challenges and how you can understand and support them in a constructive manner.

Courses and Lectures


“Circle of Security Parenting” COS-P is a course for caregivers, who wish to create a secure emotional bond with their child.

COS-P is based on many years of research on emotional attachment, and draws on knowledge from attachment and developmental psychology. Receive specific knowledge and inspiration, that enables you to interact constructively with your child and understand your child’s emotional universe. COS-P promotes a reflective caregiving behaviour, which is sensitive to the child’s real needs and emotions behind his/her behaviour.


For those who want more knowledge about emotions and human relationships. Lectures are inspired by attachment theory and dynamic therapy: Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP). Various theoretical insights are converted into practical tools and actions that you can use to understand your own or others emotional needs and reactions in everyday life.