About Therapy

Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is an advanced method of psychology, with a focus on emotional processing of trauma and relational challenges.This therapy allows you to experience and understand what you feel.

Research shows that people who are exposed to psychological challenges are prone to unconsciously avoid emotions and impulses associated with difficult experiences. In ISTDP the therapist and client collaborate to identify the defence mechanisms or anxiety that prevents you from getting in touch with your emotions. The goal is to help you access the full range of your emotions and handle them constructively.


Time IN works to develop relationships into healthy and trusting relationships between the different parties, so all emotions, dreams and concerns can be contained and shared. I work with all relationships, but always with you and your emotions at the core of our work. In relationships, where there has been neglect or rupture to the bond, emotions are often dampened and repressed, to maintain the relationship. Together, we will focus on exploring and expressing your emotions, so you can be true to yourself and honest to others.


During therapy sessions, experience has shown that my clients do not understand their anxiety and the underlying causes for their anxiety. They experience anxiety in their body as restlessness, tension, headaches, nausea, stomach ache, shivering, tension in the arms, legs, neck, hands, etc.

During high levels of anxiety, the person can experience cognitive/perceptual disturbances such as blurred vision, dizziness, dissociation, memory loss etc. In therapy sessions, together we identify the emotions that trigger your anxiety and learn to accommodate and understand your emotions.

Defence Mechanisms

Clients usually come with a clear desire to seek help. Many numb their pain with the use of various defence mechanisms, so as not to feel the pain of their reality. There are many different defences such as: denial of reality, helplessness, doubt, suppression, rationalization, intellectualization, avoidance of conflict, etc.

In therapy, I help you see and turn against these mechanisms, which hold you in a destructive pattern and keep you from emotional contact with others. We need to process the difficult emotions that you have avoided / numbed (defense), so you can be symptom free and feel good with yourself and others.